For Australian Shepherd owners, lovers and enthusiasts.

Discover all things Aussie. Whether you’re a new Aussie owner or a lifelong dog parent, Aussie Gone Wild aims to curate a wealth of information on everything related to this beloved breed. We aim to be a knowledgeable and trusted source while fostering an audience of dog lovers.

Aussie Training & Tips

Australian Shepherd training and tips for new and experienced Aussie owners alike. Learn how to effectively manage obedience, behaviour modification, and more.

Dog training tips

The Aussie Whisperer: Secrets to Successfully Training

Discover the secrets of successfully training your Aussie dog with the help of the Aussie Whisperer. Unlock a harmonious bond with your furry friend.

Aussie Training Tips

Building a Lifelong Partnership: Essential Training Tips for Aussie Owners

Discover essential training tips for Aussie dog owners to build a lifelong partnership with their furry friends. Create a strong bond and well-behaved pet.

Aussie Shepherd Training

The Art of Communicating with Aussie Shepherds: Effective Training Techniques

Discover effective training techniques for communicating with Aussie Shepherds. Learn how to develop better communication and strengthen your bond with your furry friend.

Well-Behaved Australian Shepherd Puppies

Australian Shepherd Puppies: Essential Tips for a Well-Behaved Dog

Discover essential tips for raising well-behaved Australian Shepherd puppies. Learn how to train and care for your new furry companion for a happy and harmonious relationship.

Australian Shepherd Training

A Comprehensive Guide to Training Australian Shepherd Dogs

Discover a comprehensive guide to training Australian Shepherd dogs, including tips, techniques, and strategies to help you teach your furry companion essential commands and behaviors.

Australian Dog Training Tips

Unlock the Aussie Whisperer Within You: Revolutionary Training Tips

Discover revolutionary training tips to unlock the Aussie whisperer within you. Enhance your animal communication skills and become a master in the art of training.

Aussie Puppy Training

How to Train an Aussie Puppy: Effective Techniques and Tips

Discover effective techniques and tips for training your Australian Shepherd (Aussie) puppy. Develop a well-behaved and happy Aussie companion with expert guidance.

Australian Shepherd Training

Training Your Australian Shepherd for Real-World Situations

Discover effective techniques for training your Australian Shepherd to handle real-world situations with confidence and obedience. Level up your dog’s training skills.

Customized Australian Shepherd Training

Tailored Training: Crafting a Customized Plan for Your Australian Shepherd

Create a customized training plan for your Australian Shepherd with expert tips on tailoring training methods to meet their individual needs and maximize their potential.

Aussie Traits & Behaviour

Understand your Australian Shepherd’s unique traits and behaviour. Learn about breed’s instincts, personality & how to address behaviour issues.

aussie temperament

Understanding the Intelligent Australian Shepherd Temperament

Discover the intelligence, loyalty and dedication of the Australian Shepherd temperament. Learn how to best train this amazing breed!

Australian Shepherd Traits

Deciphering the Australian Shepherd: An Overview of Traits & Behavior

Explore the unique traits and behavior of Australian Shepherds. Learn about their intelligence, agility, and loyalty as well as tips for understanding and training this beloved breed.

Australian Shepherd Traits

Understanding Australian Shepherd Traits to Enhance Training

Discover the key Australian Shepherd traits to better understand their behavior and optimize your training strategies. Train your Aussie more effectively.

Aussie Shepherd Behavior Tips

How to Overcome Behavioral Challenges in Aussie Shepherds

Discover effective strategies to overcome behavioral challenges in Aussie Shepherds, including training techniques and tips for managing their high energy levels.

Aussie Shepherd Training Tips

Training an Aussie Shepherd: Lessons from Experienced Dog Trainers

Learn valuable training lessons from experienced dog trainers to efficiently train your Aussie Shepherd. Teach essential commands and enhance their overall obedience.

Australian Shepherd Behavior Management

Effective Techniques to Manage Australian Shepherd Behavior Problems

Discover effective techniques to manage behavior problems in Australian Shepherds. Get expert tips to address common issues and ensure a well-behaved dog.

Australian Shepherd Traits

Raising an Australian Shepherd: Fostering & Understanding Character Traits

Learn how to raise and foster an Australian Shepherd by understanding their unique character traits. Discover tips and insights to successfully nurture and train your Aussie.

Australian Shepherd Traits

Tales of Tails: Exploring the Fascinating Traits of Australian Shepherds

Discover the fascinating traits of Australian Shepherds, including their intelligence, herding abilities, and loyalty. Learn why they make great companions.

Celebrating Australian Shepherds

The Paws-itive Side of Australian Shepherds: Celebrating Admirable Traits

Discover the paws-itive traits that make Australian Shepherds such admirable pets. Learn about their loyalty, intelligence, and playful nature. Celebrate these amazing dogs!

Aussie Grooming & Care

Essential tips for Australian Shepherd grooming and care. Regular grooming, feeding, and exercise recommendations to keep your Aussie looking and feeling their best.

Australian Shepherd Training Insights

The Science of Australian Shepherd Training: Insights and Techniques

Discover the scientific approach to Australian Shepherd training. Gain insights and learn effective techniques to train your Australian Shepherd for optimal results.

Aussie Coat Grooming Tips

Grooming the Aussie Coat: Must-Know Tips for Owners

Discover essential tips for grooming the Australian Shepherd’s coat, including brushing techniques, bathing frequency, and protecting their fur. Keep your Aussie looking its best.

Grooming for Australian Shepherds

The Ultimate Guide to Australian Shepherd Grooming: A Complete Overview

Discover the ultimate guide to Australian Shepherd grooming, including a comprehensive overview of grooming techniques and tips for keeping your Australian Shepherd looking their best.

Australian Shepherd Coat Care

Unveiling the Beauty: Australian Shepherd Coat Care Tips and Tricks

Discover expert tips and tricks for keeping your Australian Shepherd’s coat beautiful and healthy. Learn how to properly care for their unique coat and maintain its natural beauty.

Australian Shepherd Coat Care

Aussie Shepherd Coat Maintenance: Effective Strategies for Owners

Discover effective strategies for maintaining an Aussie Shepherd’s coat. Learn grooming techniques, products, and tips to keep your dog’s coat healthy and beautiful.

Australian Shepherd Coat Care

Unlocking the Secrets of Australian Shepherd Coat Care: Tips and Tricks

Discover expert tips and tricks for effectively caring for your Australian Shepherd’s coat. Unlock the secrets to keeping their fur healthy and beautiful.

Australian Shepherd Training

Unleashing the Potential: Advanced Training Strategies for Australian Shepherds

Discover advanced training strategies for Australian Shepherds to unlock their full potential. Ensure a well-behaved and skilled companion with these expert tips.

Australian Shepherd Training Tips

Mastering the Art of Aussie Shepherd Training: Expert Strategies

Discover expert strategies to master the art of Aussie Shepherd training. Learn effective techniques to train your Aussie Shepherd and build a strong bond.

Australian Shepherd Training

Training Australian Shepherds: From Basic Commands to Advanced Skills

Discover the step-by-step guide to train Australian Shepherds from basic commands to advanced skills. Unlock the full potential of your Australian Shepherd’s intelligence and ability.

Aussie Health & Nutrition

Learn about feeding, supplements, exercise, & disease prevention for a long, healthy life.

Australian Shepherd Training Techniques

Mastering the Training Game: Techniques for Australian Shepherd Owners

Discover effective techniques and training strategies for Australian Shepherd owners to master the game. Unlock the potential of your beloved pet and strengthen your bond.

Australian Shepherd Training

Unleash the Aussie Potential: Training Secrets for Australian Shepherd Owners

Discover the training secrets and techniques to unlock the full potential of your Australian Shepherd. Maximize your bond and create a well-behaved and happy companion.

Australian Shepherd trust training

Training for a Better Bond: Building Trust with Your Australian Shepherd

Discover effective training techniques to build a strong bond and trust with your Australian Shepherd. Enhance your relationship and communication with your furry friend.

Understanding Australian Behavior

Unlocking the Aussie Mind: Understanding and Addressing Behavioral Challenges

Gain insights into the Australian mindset, learn how to address behavioral challenges, and foster better relationships with individuals from Down Under.

Australian Shepherd Training Techniques

A Tailored Approach: Training Techniques Specifically for Australian Shepherds

Discover effective training techniques tailored specifically for Australian Shepherds. Train your Aussie with methods designed to suit their unique needs and temperament.

Australian Shepherd Health

Mastering Australian Shepherd Health: Care and Prevention for a Thriving Dog

Discover essential tips for mastering Australian Shepherd health to ensure your dog thrives. Learn about care and prevention methods to keep your Aussie happy and healthy.

Australian Training Tips

Mastering Aussie Training: Tips and Techniques for Building a Stronger Bond

Learn helpful tips and techniques to strengthen your bond while training your Australian Shepherd. Master the art of Aussie training for a stronger partnership.

Advanced Australian Shepherd Training

Training Beyond Basic Commands: Taking Your Aussie’s Skills to the Next Level

Discover advanced training techniques to enhance your Australian Shepherd’s skills and take their obedience to a whole new level. Unlock their full potential.

Aussie Owner Training

Training Tips for Aussie Owners: Building a Harmonious Relationship

Discover effective training tips for Aussie owners to build a harmonious relationship with their furry friends. Strengthen the bond and enhance your Aussie’s behavior.

Aussie Reviews & Recommendations

Discover the best products, activities and ideas for your Australian Shepherd. Comprehensive reviews and recommendations for food, grooming, toys and more.

Ziwi Peak Air-Dried Chicken Dog Food Review

Ziwi Peak Air-Dried Chicken Dog Food Review

If you’re looking for a quality dog food that is made responsibly, look Ziwi Peak. Caring dog owners always want to ensure that our pets …