Training Australian Shepherds: From Basic Commands to Advanced Skills

Australian Shepherd Training

Training Australian Shepherds can be an incredibly rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. These intelligent and energetic dogs thrive when given the opportunity to learn and participate in engaging activities. Whether you have a puppy or an adult Australian Shepherd, investing time in their training will ensure a well-behaved and happy companion.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various aspects of training for Australian Shepherds, from basic commands to advanced skills. We will delve into the importance of early learning, positive reinforcement techniques, mental stimulation, addressing behavioral challenges, and much more. By the end, you’ll have a solid foundation to work with, enabling you to develop a strong bond with your Australian Shepherd and mold them into a well-trained and well-rounded pet.

So, let’s jump right in and discover the effective training methods and strategies you can use to unlock the full potential of your Australian Shepherd! 🐾

Importance of Early Learning

Importance of Early Learning

πŸŽ“ Early learning is crucial for Australian Shepherd puppies. It lays the foundation for their development and helps shape their behavior as they grow. As responsible pet owners, it is our responsibility to provide them with the right training and guidance from an early age.

Teaching Simple Commands and Tricks

πŸ’‘ One effective way to engage your Australian Shepherd puppy in early learning is by teaching them simple commands and tricks. This not only keeps them mentally stimulated but also helps establish a bond of trust and communication between you and your furry friend.

βœ… Here are a few benefits of teaching commands and tricks early on:

  • Improved Communication: Teaching your puppy commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come” helps them understand what you expect from them. This makes your day-to-day interactions smoother and more enjoyable.
  • Mental Stimulation: Learning new commands and tricks engages your puppy’s brain and keeps them mentally stimulated. This helps prevent boredom and destructive behavior.
  • Bonding Time: Spending time teaching your puppy commands and tricks creates a special bond between the two of you. It enhances your relationship and builds mutual trust and respect.

πŸ“š For more detailed techniques on teaching commands and tricks to your Australian Shepherd puppy, check out Essential Techniques for Success.

Crate Training for Safety and Housebreaking

🏠 Another essential aspect of early learning for Australian Shepherd puppies is crate training. Crate training provides them with a safe and secure space of their own and aids in housebreaking.

βœ… Here are some advantages of crate training:

  • Safety: Crates provide a safe haven for your puppy, especially when you can’t supervise them. It prevents them from getting into trouble or chewing on things they shouldn’t.
  • Housebreaking: Crate training helps with housebreaking by teaching your puppy to hold their bladder and bowels. Dogs naturally avoid soiling their living spaces, so the crate becomes a valuable tool in potty training.
  • Travel and Vet Visits: Crate training makes it easier to travel with your Australian Shepherd or take them to the vet. They will be more comfortable and secure in their familiar crate.

πŸ“š To learn more about effective crate training techniques for your Australian Shepherd puppy, refer to Essential Techniques for Success.

Remember, early learning is essential for Australian Shepherd puppies to grow into well-behaved and well-adjusted adult dogs. By teaching them simple commands and tricks and crate training them, you are setting them up for a lifetime of success and happiness. So start training your furry friend today and enjoy the journey together!

Positive Reinforcement and Creating a Positive Environment

When it comes to training dogs, positive reinforcement is key. By focusing on positive reinforcement techniques, you can create a positive and rewarding training experience for your furry friend. But what exactly is positive reinforcement, and how does it contribute to creating a positive environment? Let’s explore these key factors in dog training.

Key Factors in Training

Positive reinforcement is the practice of rewarding desired behaviors to encourage their repetition. This method is based on the principles of operant conditioning, which suggests that behaviors followed by positive consequences are more likely to be repeated in the future.

So, how can you effectively use positive reinforcement in your dog’s training? Here are some essential factors to consider:

  1. Timing: It’s crucial to administer the reward immediately after the desired behavior occurs. This helps your dog understand that their action is what led to the reward, reinforcing the connection between the behavior and the positive outcome.
  2. Relevance: The reward you choose should be meaningful and motivating for your dog. Different dogs have different preferences, so it’s important to identify what treats or rewards work best for your furry companion. Some dogs may respond well to food treats, while others may prefer playtime or praise as a reward.
  3. Consistency: Consistency is key when using positive reinforcement. Make sure to reward your dog consistently for the desired behavior. If you sometimes reward the behavior and other times don’t, it can confuse your dog and make the training less effective.
  4. Incremental Progression: Training should be approached in small, achievable steps. Break down the desired behavior into manageable tasks, and reward your dog for each successful step towards the final goal. By gradually increasing the difficulty level, your dog will feel accomplished and motivated to continue learning.

Creating a positive environment is just as important as using positive reinforcement. When your dog feels safe, comfortable, and supported, they are more likely to engage in the training process. Here’s how you can create a positive environment for your dog:

  • Patience and Understanding: Dogs learn at their own pace, so it’s important to be patient and understanding throughout the training process. Avoid becoming frustrated or losing your temper, as this can create a negative atmosphere and hinder their progress.
  • Clear Communication: Dogs rely on our verbal and non-verbal cues to understand what we want from them. Use clear and consistent commands, body language, and tone of voice to communicate effectively with your dog. This will help them understand what is expected of them and reinforce the positive behaviors.
  • Safe and Comfortable Training Space: Choose a quiet and distraction-free area for training sessions. This will allow your dog to focus and minimize any anxieties or distractions that may interfere with their learning.

Remember, training should be a positive experience for both you and your dog. By implementing positive reinforcement techniques and creating a positive environment, you can foster a strong bond with your furry companion while helping them learn and grow.

For more insights and proven methods for successful dog training, you can refer to Proven Methods for Success.

Fun and Useful Exercises

When it comes to teaching Australian Shepherds new tricks, the possibilities are endless. These intelligent and energetic dogs thrive on mental stimulation and physical activity. One of the most fun and useful exercises you can teach them is how to round up family members. Not only will this activity engage their natural herding instincts, but it can also be a handy skill to have in certain situations.

Here are some creative tricks and techniques to help you train your Australian Shepherd to round up your loved ones:

  • Start with Basic Commands: Before diving into the more complex task of rounding up family members, ensure that your Australian Shepherd is well-versed in basic obedience commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” This will establish a foundation of discipline and control that is necessary for them to successfully execute the task.
  • Install the Idea of Herding: Begin by introducing the concept of herding to your Australian Shepherd. Use a plush toy or a designated object as a practice “sheep.” Encourage your dog to nudge or gently guide the toy towards a specific location. Use positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, to reward your dog’s efforts.
  • Safely Introduce Family Members: Once your Australian Shepherd grasps the idea of herding an object, it’s time to introduce family members into the equation. Start with one person at a time and practice with a family member who is comfortable and willing to participate. Gradually increase the number of family members involved as your dog becomes more proficient.
  • Create a Controlled Environment: To ensure safety and a successful training session, create a controlled environment where your Australian Shepherd can practice rounding up family members. Use a spacious, enclosed area such as a backyard or a designated training area. This will allow your dog to focus on the task without distractions or potential hazards.

Remember, the goal is to make the training session enjoyable for both you and your Australian Shepherd. Keep the atmosphere positive and engaging by incorporating playfulness and rewards. With patience, consistency, and plenty of practice, your Australian Shepherd will soon become a pro at rounding up family members.

Unlock the full potential of your Australian Shepherd and discover more innovative training tricks by visiting Innovative Training Tricks. Happy herding! 🐾

Training Sessions and Socialization

Training sessions and socialization are two essential components of raising a well-behaved and balanced Australian Shepherd. These activities not only focus on teaching your furry friend basic obedience commands but also help them become comfortable and confident in various social situations. In this section, we will explore the ideal duration and frequency of training sessions and delve into the importance of socialization for Australian Shepherds.

Duration and Frequency

When it comes to training sessions, it’s important to keep them short and engaging to maintain your Australian Shepherd’s interest and attention. Ideally, each session should last around 15 to 20 minutes. This allows for focused and productive learning without overwhelming your pup.

Breaking up training into shorter sessions throughout the day can be more effective than one long session. It gives your Australian Shepherd’s brain time to process the information and prevents them from becoming tired or frustrated. Remember, it’s all about quality over quantity!

Importance of Socialization

Socialization is a critical aspect of raising a well-rounded Australian Shepherd. By exposing your pup to different people, animals, and environments from a young age, you help them develop the skills and confidence to handle new situations with ease.

Here are some key reasons why socialization is essential for Australian Shepherds:

  1. Preventing behavioral problems: Proper socialization helps prevent common behavior issues, such as aggression, fearfulness, and excessive barking.
  2. Building confidence: Regular socialization exposes your Australian Shepherd to new experiences, boosting their confidence and decreasing anxiety in unfamiliar situations.
  3. Promoting good manners: Socialization teaches your pup how to interact politely with other dogs and humans, promoting positive behavior and preventing any potential conflicts.
  4. Well-rounded development: Australian Shepherds are known for their intelligence and energy. Socialization provides mental stimulation and helps channel their energy in a positive direction.

Remember, socialization is an ongoing process that should continue throughout your Australian Shepherd’s life. Regular exposure to new people, animals, and environments will help them grow into a well-adjusted and friendly companion.

🐾 Pro Tip: Enrolling your Australian Shepherd in puppy socialization classes or obedience training can provide structured and supervised socialization opportunities, enhancing their learning experiences.

In summary, the duration of training sessions should be kept short, around 15 to 20 minutes, to maintain engagement and focus. Socialization is crucial for the well-rounded development of Australian Shepherds, preventing behavioral problems and building confidence. Regular exposure to new experiences will help your pup become a friendly and well-adjusted companion.

Mental Stimulation and Advanced Training

🐢 As dog owners, we all want our furry friends to be happy and fulfilled. For Australian Shepherds, mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. These intelligent and energetic dogs need activities that challenge their minds and keep them engaged. So, in addition to regular exercise, incorporating mental stimulation and advanced training into their routine is key to their overall well-being.

Importance of Mental Stimulation

🧠 Australian Shepherds are highly intelligent and thrive on mental stimulation. Boredom can lead to destructive behaviors, excessive barking, and even anxiety in these dogs. Providing them with mental challenges not only keeps them entertained but also helps prevent behavioral issues.

Here are some reasons why mental stimulation is crucial for Australian Shepherds:

  1. Preventing boredom: Australian Shepherds have an active mind that needs constant stimulation. Engaging them in mental activities prevents boredom and the negative consequences that come with it.
  2. Enhancing problem-solving skills: Mental stimulation exercises, such as puzzle toys and interactive games, help sharpen their problem-solving abilities. These activities encourage them to think and strategize, keeping their minds sharp.
  3. Developing their focus and attention: Dogs with advanced mental training are better able to focus and concentrate on tasks. This skill is particularly useful in obedience training and other activities that require their undivided attention.
  4. Building a stronger bond: Engaging in mental stimulation activities with your Australian Shepherd is not only beneficial for them but also strengthens the bond between you. These activities provide an opportunity for quality time and shared experiences, fostering a deeper connection.

Advanced Obedience Training and Puzzle Toys

🐾 Advanced obedience training is an excellent way to challenge your Australian Shepherd’s mind and enhance their skills. In addition to the basic commands like “sit” and “stay,” you can teach them more advanced commands such as “fetch,” “roll over,” or even “find it.” This type of training keeps their minds active and engaged, providing the mental stimulation they need.

πŸ’‘ Puzzle toys are another fantastic way to keep your Australian Shepherd mentally stimulated. These toys are designed to challenge your dog’s problem-solving abilities and reward them for figuring out the puzzle. They come in various shapes and sizes, from treat-dispensing toys to complicated interactive puzzles.

Here are some benefits of incorporating puzzle toys and advanced obedience training into your Australian Shepherd’s routine:

  • Keeps them mentally engaged, preventing boredom and destructive behaviors.
  • Promotes cognitive development, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking.
  • Provides an outlet for their energy and natural instincts to explore and solve problems.

Remember, mental stimulation is an essential aspect of caring for your Australian Shepherd. By incorporating advanced obedience training and puzzle toys into their daily routine, you can ensure that they lead a fulfilled and enriched life. So, let’s get those tails wagging and those brains working! 🐾🧠

Teaching Obedience

Teaching obedience to our furry friends is crucial for a harmonious and happy coexistence. When it comes to Australian Shepherds, a breed known for their intelligence and energy, a solid foundation of obedience is even more important. But how do we go about teaching our Australian Shepherds to obey commands effectively?

Using Clear and Simple Commands

One of the key aspects of teaching obedience to Australian Shepherds is using clear and simple commands. These intelligent dogs thrive on structure and clarity. By providing them with easily understandable commands, we can set them up for success. Here are some tips for using clear and simple commands:

  • Keep it short and consistent: Dogs respond better to commands that are short and concise. Use one or two-word commands and avoid long phrases. For example, instead of saying, “Please come here,” simply say, “Come.” This allows your Australian Shepherd to focus on the command without getting confused.
  • Use a confident tone: Dogs are highly attuned to our tone of voice. Use a confident and assertive tone when giving commands. This helps your Australian Shepherd understand that you mean business and that they need to follow the command.
  • Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to teaching obedience. Use the same command for the same behavior every time. This helps your Australian Shepherd understand what is expected of them and reduces confusion.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Australian Shepherd understands and responds to your commands effectively.

Motivating with Positive Reinforcement

Another effective method for teaching obedience to Australian Shepherds is through positive reinforcement. Australian Shepherds are highly motivated by positive rewards such as treats, praise, and playtime. Here’s how you can use positive reinforcement to motivate your Australian Shepherd:

  • Reward immediately: When your Australian Shepherd successfully follows a command, reward them immediately. This helps them associate the behavior with the reward and reinforces the desired behavior.
  • Use high-value treats: Use treats that your Australian Shepherd finds particularly enticing as a reward. This could be small pieces of their favorite snack or special training treats. Make sure the treats are easily consumable, so as not to interrupt the training flow.
  • Use praise and playtime: In addition to treats, praise and playtime are also powerful motivators for Australian Shepherds. Shower your furry friend with verbal praise, petting, and playtime whenever they obey a command. This strengthens the bond between you and your Australian Shepherd while reinforcing their obedience.

Remember, patience and consistency are key when using positive reinforcement to teach obedience. With time and practice, your Australian Shepherd will become better and better at following commands.

In conclusion, teaching obedience to Australian Shepherds requires clear and simple commands along with positive reinforcement. By using these methods consistently, you can build a strong foundation of obedience and create a happy and well-behaved companion.

πŸ“Œ Check out the Australian Shepherd Training Guide for more in-depth information on teaching obedience to Australian Shepherds.

Early Training and Clicker

Training is an essential aspect of raising a well-behaved and obedient Australian Shepherd. With their intelligence and natural herding instincts, it’s important to start training them early on in their lives. In fact, experts recommend beginning training as early as 5 weeks old to establish good habits and prevent any unwanted behaviors from developing.

Starting Early and Using a Clicker

πŸΆπŸŽ“ When it comes to training Australian Shepherds, early is always better. This breed is known for their high energy levels and eagerness to learn, so starting their training at a young age can yield remarkable results. By establishing a positive and consistent training routine from the beginning, you can shape their behavior and set them up for success as they grow older.

🐾 One effective tool that many trainers recommend is the use of a clicker. A clicker is a small, handheld device that makes a distinct clicking sound when pressed. It acts as a marker to let your Australian Shepherd know when they have performed the desired behavior correctly. Here’s how it works:

  1. Pairing the clicker with treats: Before you start using the clicker in training sessions, it’s important to establish a positive association with it. Pair the sound of the clicker with a tasty treat, so your furry friend begins to understand that the clicker means a reward is coming.
  2. Timing is key: When your Australian Shepherd performs a behavior you want to reinforce, such as sitting or staying, click the clicker and immediately follow it with a treat. The click serves as a precise marker, letting your pup know exactly which behavior is being rewarded.
  3. Consistency is crucial: To effectively use a clicker, it’s important to be consistent with your timing and clicks. Click the moment your dog performs the desired behavior, and promptly reward them with a treat. This helps reinforce the behavior and encourages your Australian Shepherd to repeat it in the future.
  4. Fading out the clicker: Once your Australian Shepherd has learned the desired behaviors, you can gradually phase out the use of the clicker. Reduce the frequency of clicker use and rely more on verbal cues and treats to reinforce their training.

πŸ”” The clicker provides a clear and precise way to communicate with your Australian Shepherd during training sessions. It helps them understand what behaviors are expected of them and accelerates their learning process. However, it’s important to remember that the clicker is just a tool and should always be paired with positive reinforcement, patience, and consistency.

In conclusion, starting early with training and incorporating a clicker can greatly benefit your Australian Shepherd’s development. By establishing a solid foundation and using positive reinforcement techniques, you can raise a well-behaved and obedient companion for years to come. So grab your clicker, some tasty treats, and get ready to embark on a rewarding training journey with your furry friend! 🐾🐾

Addressing Behavioral Challenges

As an owner of an Australian Shepherd, it’s important to address and manage any behavioral challenges that may arise. The breed has a herding background, which can manifest in certain problem-solving behaviors. By understanding these tendencies and implementing preventative measures, you can ensure your Australian Shepherd is a well-behaved and happy companion.

Herding Background and Problem-Solving Behaviors

🐾 The Australian Shepherd’s herding lineage is deeply ingrained in their DNA. This means they possess certain instincts and behaviors that were historically necessary for their work on the ranch. While these traits make them excellent herding dogs, they can also present challenges in a domestic setting.

🐢 One common behavior that may arise is an inclination to chase or nip at moving objects – whether it’s children, cars, or even bikes. This behavior stems from their instinct to control and corral livestock. While it may seem harmless, it’s crucial to address and redirect this behavior to prevent accidents or injuries.

πŸ’‘ One way to manage this behavior is by providing alternative outlets for their herding instincts. Engaging in activities such as obedience training, agility courses, or even organized herding trials can channel their energy into constructive outlets and help prevent problem behaviors.

Preventing Problem Behaviors

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Training is an essential aspect of preventing problem behaviors in Australian Shepherds. Establishing consistent rules and boundaries from an early age can help mitigate potential issues down the line. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Utilize rewards and praise to reinforce desired behaviors. This encourages your Australian Shepherd to repeat these actions in the future.
  • Socialization: Expose your dog to a variety of people, animals, and environments at a young age. This helps them develop appropriate social skills and reduces the likelihood of fear-based or aggressive behaviors.
  • Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Australian Shepherds are intelligent and active dogs that require ample physical exercise and mental stimulation. A tired dog is a well-behaved dog! Engage in regular play sessions, provide interactive toys, and consider puzzle-solving activities to keep their minds sharp.
  • Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to training. Establish clear rules and routines for your Australian Shepherd and ensure that all members of the household follow them consistently.

πŸ“ For more insights into Australian Shepherd behavior patterns and additional tips on addressing behavioral challenges, you can refer to this resource.

By understanding your Australian Shepherd’s herding background and taking proactive steps to prevent problem behaviors, you can foster a harmonious relationship with your furry companion. Proper training, mental stimulation, and consistency are the building blocks for a well-behaved and happy Australian Shepherd.

Agility Training and Exercise


Agility training is an excellent way to engage and challenge Australian Shepherds both mentally and physically. These intelligent and active dogs thrive on tasks that allow them to utilize their natural instincts. By incorporating agility training into their routine, you can provide them with the mental stimulation they need while keeping them physically fit.

Utilizing Herding Instincts:

Australian Shepherds are renowned for their herding abilities. They have an innate instinct to gather and control livestock. Agility training is an ideal way to tap into these instincts and channel their energy in a constructive manner. By participating in agility courses, they can simulate the herding behavior by navigating obstacles, responding to commands, and making split-second decisions.

Daily Exercise for Mind and Body:

Along with agility training, providing Australian Shepherds with daily exercise is crucial for maintaining their mental and physical well-being. These energetic dogs require an outlet for their energy to prevent destructive behaviors and ensure a happy and balanced lifestyle. Here are some important points to remember when it comes to their exercise routine:

  • Frequency: Australian Shepherds are highly active dogs and benefit from regular exercise. Aim for at least 60 minutes of exercise per day to keep them stimulated and prevent boredom.
  • Variety: Mix up their exercise routine to keep things interesting. Incorporate activities like walking, jogging, hiking, fetch, and swimming to work different muscles and engage their minds.
  • Mental Stimulation: In addition to physical exercise, mental stimulation is equally important. Engage them in puzzle toys, obedience training, and interactive games that challenge their problem-solving abilities.
  • Socialization: Australian Shepherds are social dogs and enjoy the company of other canines. Encourage playdates or trips to the dog park, which provide an opportunity for them to socialize and burn off excess energy.

By providing your Australian Shepherd with a well-rounded exercise routine that includes agility training, you can fulfill their need for mental stimulation, physical fitness, and harness their herding instincts in a positive way. Remember, a tired and content Australian Shepherd is a happy one! 🐢πŸ’ͺ

Training Tools and Tips

When it comes to training Australian Shepherds, having the right tools and following effective tips can make a significant difference. Here are some key training tools and tips that can help you in your journey of teaching your Australian Shepherd:

Useful Training Aids

  • Leash and Collar: A sturdy leash and collar are essential for controlling your Australian Shepherd during training sessions and walks. Opt for a well-fitting collar that won’t slip off easily.
  • Clicker: A clicker can be a valuable training tool for marking desired behaviors and reinforcing positive actions. By associating the sound of the clicker with rewards, you can communicate with your Australian Shepherd more effectively.
  • Treats: High-value treats are a great way to motivate and reward your Australian Shepherd during training. Use small, bite-sized treats that are enticing and easily consumable.
  • Training Pouch: Having a training pouch handy can make it convenient to carry treats and keep your hands free during training sessions. Look for a pouch with multiple compartments for easy access.
  • Interactive Toys: Interactive toys, such as puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys, can provide mental stimulation and keep your Australian Shepherd engaged. These toys can be useful during training sessions and for keeping your dog entertained when you’re not available.

Key Principles for Success

  • Consistency: Consistency is key in training Australian Shepherds. Use the same commands, gestures, and rewards consistently to reinforce desired behaviors and avoid confusion.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement is a highly effective training method for Australian Shepherds. Reward your dog with praise, treats, and play whenever they exhibit the desired behavior. This will motivate them to repeat those behaviors.
  • Patience: Training takes time and patience. Remember that every dog learns at their own pace. Stay calm, be patient, and celebrate small victories along the way.
  • Short and Frequent Sessions: Keep training sessions short, around 10-15 minutes, to maintain your dog’s engagement and focus. Aim for multiple sessions throughout the day to reinforce the training. Short, frequent sessions help prevent both mental and physical fatigue.
  • Variety and Fun: Keep the training sessions interesting and fun by incorporating different exercises and activities. This will prevent boredom and keep your Australian Shepherd excited about learning.

Remember, training your Australian Shepherd requires dedication and a positive attitude. By using the right training tools and following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to having a well-behaved and happy companion. Happy training! 🐾

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the basic commands I should teach my Australian Shepherd?

    The basic commands you should teach your Australian Shepherd are: sit, stay, come, lie down, and leave it. These commands form the foundation for further training and ensure obedience and control over your dog.

  2. How long does it take to train an Australian Shepherd?

    The training duration for an Australian Shepherd can vary depending on factors like consistency, the dog’s age, and the complexity of skills. Basic obedience training usually takes around 8-12 weeks, while advanced skills can take several months to a year.

  3. What are some advanced skills I can teach my Australian Shepherd?

    Some advanced skills you can teach your Australian Shepherd include agility training, advanced obedience commands like heel, fetch, and stay for extended durations, as well as tricks like roll over, play dead, and speak on command.

  4. How do I potty train my Australian Shepherd?

    To potty train your Australian Shepherd, establish a consistent routine, take them outside frequently, reward them for going in the designated area, and clean up accidents promptly without scolding. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and patience are key elements in successful potty training.

  5. Should I consider professional training for my Australian Shepherd?

    Professional training can be beneficial for Australian Shepherds, particularly if you are a first-time dog owner or if you are experiencing difficulties with training on your own. A professional trainer can provide guidance, address specific behavior issues, and accelerate the training process.

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Felix is an Australian Shepherd lover who aims to be a knowledgable and trusted source for new and experienced dog owners alike.

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