What You Need to Know About Buying an Australian Shepherd

buying an australian shepherd

The Australian Shepherd is a beloved canine breed with a loyal, intelligent, and affectionate nature. But before you rush out to buy one for yourself, it’s important to understand exactly what this breed entails. From their physical demands to their personality traits, there’s a lot to think about when it comes to buying an Australian Shepherd.

Physical Requirements

Before you commit to the Australian Shepherd breed, it’s important to familiarize yourself with their physical requirements. This breed is generally healthy and sturdy, but there are some health issues to be aware of. A healthier Australian Shepherd typically has a life expectancy of 14-15 years.

Australian Shepherds have high energy levels and love to exercise. They require daily physical activity like running, walking, and playing fetch. This breed also loves to get their daily mental stimulation, so it’s important to provide plenty of mental stimulation if you decide to adopt an Australian Shepherd.

Australian Shepherds are large dogs with an average height of two feet and an average weight of 55-70 pounds. Though these dogs can fit into many homes, it’s important to make sure that you have the proper space to accommodate an Australian Shepherd comfortably.

Genetic Considerations

It’s always a good idea to research a breed’s genetic considerations before committing to one. Australian Shepherds are prone to certain health issues that are worth noting. Some of the most common include hip dysplasia, eye diseases, and canine bloat.

Hip dysplasia is a common health issue among larger breeds. This condition occurs when the hips don’t develop properly and results in pain and stiffness. Regular exercise, a nutritious diet, and periodic vet visits can help mitigate this condition.

Australian Shepherds are also at risk of eye diseases like cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy. These conditions can cause impaired vision and eventually total blindness. Genetics, age, and environment can all contribute to these eye issues. Taking your pup for annual vision tests and keeping their environment as clean as possible can reduce the risk.

Personality Traits

Australian Shepherds are known for their loyal, intelligent, and loving personalities. This breed loves spending time with their families, and their natural agility makes them great dogs for agility and obedience competitions. Pavlov’s law is a popular concept when it comes to training Aussies based on their intelligence.

This breed is also incredibly intelligent. They’ll respond very quickly to basic commands like sit, stay, and come. They learn new behaviours and tricks very quickly, making them a great companion for an active family who love to play games with their dog.

Australian Shepherds are also highly energetic and easy to train. However, their big personalities can come with a sharp bark, so it’s important to help them learn acceptable behavior from an early age.


The Australian Shepherd is a wonderful breed with a loyal, loving, and intelligent nature. Before you decide you’d like to take on raising an Australian Shepherd puppy for yourself, it’s important to understand the breed’s physical requirements, as well as their genetic issues and personality traits. With the right care, you can enjoy many happy years with an Australian Shepherd.

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Felix is an Australian Shepherd lover who aims to be a knowledgable and trusted source for new and experienced dog owners alike.

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